Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pictures worth a 1000 words

Roman Gate, Germany

Calai, France

Eifle Tower, France

Arch of Triump, France

Dover Castle, England


Saint Chapelle, France


Brugge, Belgium

Notre Dame,

Louvre, France

Paris, France

Oh, how I love Paris!

And this isn't even the half of what I saw!


Heidi & Derek said...

Wow, everything is so beautiful. You are for sure a little cuss though. I didn't know about this huge adventure of your. You better be calling me soon and setting up a dinner date to update me on EVERYTHING! love, your favorite comp!

WonderKitty said...

I can't believe how much you saw! I am so jealous of all those stained glass windows. Such skill. I haven't really talked to you since you got back, so we need to hang out.

Vivian said...

So pretty! You are one lucky girl!