Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Conundrum

So my sister Jesi has let me know that she does not want to live in this aparment anymore and that at the end of our contract this June/July we are going to move to a new apartment. That's not the real problem, the real conundrum is that the place that she has found and fallen in love with is a little expensive. My finances as they are a little tight between my new car, insurance (health and car) and school. It's a three bedroom apartment for $1045 a month, in which she could get the master bedroom and master bathroom, our friend Stephanie from parents ward would get the garage to park her car, leaving me with my own room (same size as Steph) sharing the 2nd bathroom with Steph. I'm the only one to not get any extra or special which is fine if I pay less rent then the others. Isn't that how it should go?

Everyone I've talked to said that the one with the master bedroom should pay $50 more and I don't know what the garage would be worth, but Jesi feels that because we are friends and family they shouldn't be charged as much for the extra perks as everyone says they should. So she took $30 off my third of the potential rent making my total $319 and both of them $364 a month. That's less than I'm paying now which is nice but with the extra utilities even being spilt by three I'm worried that things are still going to be tight. I don't want to live pay check to pay check like she does. I want to put money into savings every month so that I can travel if I want (I've been craving New York pretty bad) or be able to go to a concert or buy that pair of shoes without having to worry about paying my bills.

I don't know maybe I'm just overthinking this? I mean it is really nice apartment and the rent she's offering is less than what I pay now. I don't know it just makes me a little nervious. I'm going to go see a 3 bedroom apartment tomorrow for only $899 a month, maybe if I see how bad the $900 apartments are I'll feel more comfortable living in this $1000 one. Or perhaps the $900 one will be just as good and I'll see the other one is too much. The problem really depends on that and if Jesi likes it cause I want her to be happy too, it's just that she's picky and she has the money to be because she's not in school and so she can work more.

If I decide I don't like the apartment she does I'm not sure whats going to happen. We might have to split ways and I might have to move back home cause I can't afford to live by myself. That wouldn't be too bad, I really like my family but I'm 25 and I've been out on my own for almost 7 years between living at Snow college, my mission and these two years living with my sister.

Wow that felt good to get off my chest! So what do you think? I know it will all turn out okay but I want things to be fair and I really want to be comfortable financially.


colby said...

silly token answer, but definitely pray about it.

but if you really feel uneasy about it, i would say don't do it. living paycheck to paycheck SUCKS. and being uncomfortable about a situation you're putting yourself into for the next likely 12 months is a big deal.

is having the "nice" apartment worth the extra money in relation to the amount of time you, Steph and Jesi will actually be spending in the home?

As far as extra money for more stuff.. both of the places that i've lived we never did any difference based on bigger rooms/master suites.. but if they're willing to cut $30 i guess that's good...

ultimately i'd say if you're uneasy, don't do it.

Maria Christensen said...

Hey beautiful! Sure do miss you! We need to get together. Anyway, I agree with the last comment. You really just need to pray about it. That will be the best way to make sure you do the right thing. Even if it means that your sister will be dissapointed, Heavenly Father will never lead you astray. Things will work out if you have faith. Love you tonz! Please call me when you have some free time.

Love, Maria